Get to know – Ziyanda Twala
Solutions Consultant
Ziyanda Twala works as a Solution Consultant. She completed her Honours in Financial Economics at Rhodes University. She has earned thirteen SYSPRO ERP certifications, is a certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt and a certified CIMA (Business Accounting). Ziyanda is still in the running to being the best version of herself.
1. Tell us about the first job you’ve ever held.
Dark times! My first paying job was in valuations. I acquired great skills, but the environment was too toxic for me to enjoy the experience.
2. If you could be the main character in any movie, who would you be?
I am not a movie person, but in a series, I think I would be Olivia Pope.
3. If you could teleport anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
Greece. It looks like a place that would reset my soul. I am a water baby and Greece waters look serene.
4. What’s a common piece of advice you don’t agree with and why?
“If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all”… The selfish in me believes in speaking my mind because if I don’t, that will remain an item of my baggage. Better to release it.
5. What would you like to be known/remembered for?
A black girl child who knew it was possible and did it.
6. If you could be reincarnated as any animal, which one would you choose, and why?
Jaguar. I feel like a jaguar is a powerful feline that lives its life with courage, intent, wisdom and authority. Water or land, it can hunt (dominate).
Pace yourself!
Ziyanda Twala, Solution Consultant
7. What’s a work-related accomplishment you’re proud of?
I think I am yet to accomplish something that I feel I genuinely stretched myself outside of my comfort zone to deem a noteworthy accomplishment. So far, I’ve done because I can.
8. What was the moment you realised you were officially an adult?
When I used my own money to feed myself. In fact, I am continuously shocked at the fact that I actually need to buy myself groceries. I think feeding me to ensure my continued existence should’ve stayed my parents’ responsibility. 😊
9. What is your default strategy for dealing with upset clients?
Less talking and more listening with a dash of apologies.
10. The zombie apocalypse is coming. Who are the three colleagues do you want on your team, and why?
- Aluwani – He would probably stay calm and say “it is what it is”, and I would move from panic to acceptance that it really is what it is.
- Reneilwe – We’d probably debate how bad it would really be if we actually turned into zombies, because we are definitely not running forever.
- Brian – He’d probably have Tequila supply for the sorrows.
11. What do you admire most about your younger self?
Resilience and constant hunger to being the best that I can be.
12. If you could summarise your experience with ISB Optimus in one sentence, what would it be?
A frameable collage.
We hope you enjoyed getting to know Ziyanda as much as our team did. Be on the lookout for the next article!